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Life, Creation & Evolution

To Generate A Generation Of Talent. An unwavering commitment to social responsibility and sustainability.

About Edwin.

Edwin, a Ghanaian, moved to Italy in search of better opportunities and pursued education with determination despite the challenges of adjusting to a new environment. Education helped him find purpose and improve his life for himself and his family.

Certified Digital Marketing Professional

Certified Digital Marketing Expert

Institute Of Certified Professional Managers


Get in touch today to find out how our skills can help your business – we’ll show you why we strive to be the best.

Why Education?

Edwin grew up in a small African village with dreams of becoming a businessman. Despite spending his days working on his family's farm, he spent his nights studying by the light of a kerosene lamp, determined to pursue education as the key to unlocking his future.

Education opened doors to new opportunities

Breaking the cycle of poverty

Education can also be a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of poverty and creating a brighter future. Investing in education can give children the tools they need to build better lives for themselves and their communities.


Despite efforts by the government and various organizations, child poverty remains a significant problem in the UK in 2023. A considerable number of children still live in poverty, which adversely affects their health, education, and future prospects.

Children in poverty
Single-parent households
Million children
highest child poverty rate


"To provide impoverished children with the education, mentorship, and advocacy they need to unlock their full potential and become agents of change in their communities."


"A world where children living in poverty realise their full potential and become agents of change in their communities. Through education, mentorship, and advocacy, we aim to create a generation of talented and socially responsible individuals who will contribute to a more equitable and just world."


He believes in being transparent and honest with clients, and he strives to build long-term relationships based on trust and mutual respect. These are the values Edwin cherishes:


Edwin is committed to creating a safe and supportive environment that allows children living in poverty to develop their talents and skills, and to become confident and capable leaders.

Social Responsibility

Edwin believes that with privilege comes responsibility. We promote volunteerism and encourage our students to use their skills and knowledge to help others.


Edwin recognizes that breaking the cycle of poverty is a long-term and challenging process. He is committed to staying the course and persisting in the face of obstacles.

Connect with Edwin

To Generate A Generation Of Talent

Building a bridge from poverty to prosperity by upskilling youth in poverty in digital careers.

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